- Number of volunteers (Section II.10) – Please provide details on how many hours the volunteers work on average, if you have AmeriCorps volunteers separate from standard volunteers, etc. The purpose of this question is to get a general overview of your organization’s design.
- Grant Purpose Definitions (Section III.8)
- Seed/Pilot funding: innovations/start-up funding
- Project/Program support: a specific project/program within your organization
- Capacity Building: creating more, higher quality and/or more sustainable services (research, assessment, expansion, resource development, etc.)
- Capital: small capital (equipment, buildings, vehicles, etc.) or capital campaigns
- General Operating support: day-to-day costs of running your organization (office space, staff salaries, marketing materials, etc.)
- Performance Measures (Section IV.1) – Please provide which data/information will be collected and how (surveys, test scores, media attention, awards, longitudinal studies, etc.).
- Goals (Section IV.7) – Measurable statements of activities proposed in the grant request. When appropriate, please include a date for the goal to be accomplished when writing your goals. In most cases, baseline data (i.e., the current or starting level) should also be included. Exceptions include, but are not limited to, funding for the construction of a new facility and funding for a new program.
Goals can be listed as:
- Outputs: Direct products of the activities proposed – usually measured in terms of volume of work accomplished – for example, number of people served; and/or
- Outcomes: Benefits or changes to individuals, families, communities, etc. resulting from program participation – for example, percentage of individuals with a 50% or better reduction in their symptoms.
Goals without baseline data:
- To serve 1,300 people in 2012.
- To raise $100,000 in additional funding by 12/31/2012.
- To complete construction of the new facility by 12/31/2012.
Goals with baseline data:
- To increase the number of children and adults served from 1,300 to 1,600 by 12/31/2012.
- To increase the number of courses offered per year from 5 to 10 by 12/31/2012.
- At least 75% of participants diagnosed with depression will show a 50% or better reduction in their symptoms.